

Multi-instrumentalist | Composer

“His score was both novel and imaginative, matching the likes of Michael Giacchino and Alan Silvestri”

The Straits Times, 2023




Born in Japan, TSU (Misugi Tsumugu) is a Multi-instrumentalist, Film & Game composer and Producer currently based in Tokyo, Japan.

He serves as Music Lead and Composer of MMORPG game: Tatsumeeko. He is a graduate of Berklee College of Music with a degree in Contemporary Writing and Production.


TSU started his training on the violin at the age of 3, and has devoted much of his life to perfecting his craft. His talent and versatility on the instrument have led him to be featured on soundtracks such as Japanese feature film: MY (K)NIGHT and video games such as Arena of Valor. He also records and arranges for international pop artists.

Most recently, he composed for Korean TV Drama: Marry My Husband.


3歳よりヴァイオリンをはじめ、幼少期より数々のアジア、ヨーロッパで行われたフェスティバルやコンクールに出場・入賞。2016年にSchool of the Arts, Singaporeをヴァイオリン専攻で卒業。2023年米国バークリー音楽大学を卒業。


演奏は、大人気のマルチプレイヤーオンラインゲーム「Arena of Valor」 また邦画「My (K)night」のサウンドトラックでも聴くことができる。


現在はシンガポールのTatsu Worksにてリードコンポーザーとして新しいRPGゲーム「Tatsumeeko」の開発に携わっている。2024年に大ヒットした韓国ドラマ「私の夫と結婚して」の作曲にも取り組んだ。


Tatsumeeko Suite, World Premiere

13 January 2023, Esplanade Concert Hall

Orchestra of the Music Makers